Day 25 – Kenny Shim


1. What do you do for a living? (occupation/field of study)

I work in Compliance & Risk Management for an electronics company. I also do freelance marketing/activation work for Web3 projects and products.

2. How do you like to spend your free time?

My hobbies and interests are always changing, but lately I've been spending time developing and brewing my own kombucha! Let me know if you want to try some!

3. Share one interesting fact about you that most people don’t know!

I am from California, but I have an unwavering allegiance to New York! (Please don't be fooled by my NJ license plate)

4. Do you have a favorite book in the Bible? If you do, which one is it and why?

My favorite book in the Bible is Nehemiah. Nehemiah reminds me of what can be accomplished when one is aligned and ready to obey God's will. He was prayerful, discerning, and persevering as he led the Israelites to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He embodies the image of a faithful leader, and his story serves as an inspiration for how God can enable one to accomplish amazing things.

5. Is there a verse/passage in the Bible that has significantly impacted your life? If so, which is it and why?

Luke 19:4-5: "So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was about to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, 'Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.'" 

The story of Zacchaeus is pretty short, but it's quickly assumed that Zaccheus has a reputation of a traitor/villain amongst the Jews. But what always strikes me is the posture of Zaccheus's heart when he pursues Jesus, and also Jesus's outwardly acceptance of him. Despite his sin and wrongdoings, Zacchaeus does everything he can to catch a glimpse of Jesus. To the dismay of the Jews, Jesus calls to Zacchaeus; accordingly, we get to witness the transformation of Zacchaeus through repentance and salvation. There were times in my life when I have felt undeserving, but it's reassuring to know that our God deems anyone worthy, and that with the right heart and desire, anyone can change.

6. Is there a prayer request that has been on your heart recently? If so, please share with us.

Please pray for my parents' salvation. By the grace of God, my sister and I have met Christ, but we pray and hope for the day our parents can also encounter and pursue a life with Jesus.

7. Tell us about how you met Christ? (feel free to share a brief testimony)

While I was introduced to Christianity in Sunday school, any opportunity to meet Christ came to an abrupt halt when extracurriculars were prioritized over church. But in the summer between graduating high school and starting college, a friend invited me to his church where I found myself captured by a seemingly new but almost nostalgic feeling.  Before fully processing what was happening in my life, I moved across the country from CA to NY to begin college.

Remember that unwavering loyalty of NY that I mentioned above? Well, I actually despised New York when I first moved here. It would be an understatement to say that I had a tough time adjusting.  Life felt grim, loneliness creeped in, and that small spark of faith was quickly lost as I closed myself off from the world.  Confused, I began to believe that moving back to California was the only way for things to change, so I began preparing to transfer schools.

But God had a different plan for me.  He led me to a campus ministry where through new friends and experiences I would sense that strange but familiar feeling again.  With renewed hope, I grasped onto this feeling, and began to understand and pursue a relationship with Jesus.

Grace ChurchLent 2022