COVID-19 update
Updated September 23rd
Effective immediately, St. John’s University is requiring proof of vaccination* (at least 1 dose) for all of its students and guests who enter their campus/building.
In compliance with their safety regulations, we will be checking for proof of vaccination* prior to entering the sanctuary for in-person worship service. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact us at
* Acceptable proof of vaccination is one of the following: CDC Vaccination Card (or a photo of the card), NYS Excelsior Pass, and NYC Covid Safe Pass.
Updated July 10th 3:47 P.M.
We recently made an announcement that we will be resuming our in-person Sunday worship gatherings on July 19th. Unfortunately, in light of recent changes to school reopening requirements, we will have to postpone our reopening until a later date.
Even though it is disappointing to have to postpone our reopening, we ask you to be patient trusting in God’s perfect timing. All that being said, we thank you for your continued support and the desire to be back together. We will keep you updated as soon as we get more information. God bless you.
In Christ,
Pastor Gus
Updated June 28th 11:30 A.M.
Starting Sunday, July 19th, we will resume our in-person Sunday worship gatherings at 11:30 A.M. at Holy Cross High School (26-20 Francis Lewis Blvd., Flushing, NY 11358).
As you know, New York City began phase 2 reopening on June 22, which allowed churches to open up to 25% of the building capacity. Given that the auditorium where we worship has an occupancy limit of approximately 800 people, we should not have any issue meeting on Sundays.
However, we wanted to take extra time and caution to assess the situation and implement proper protocols before reopening to ensure the safety of our congregants. That being said, our reopening will be done in compliance with both the state and local regulations and under the guidelines issued by CDC.
Also, we will continue to stream our Sunday worship services online for those who are sick or are part of a high-risk group. We will also continue hold all of our other meetings (including our prayer meetings, Bible studies, and Life Group meetings) online until it is safe to meet in close proximity. Also, we will suspend our lunch fellowships on Sundays until further notice.
We ask you to pray with us for faith, wisdom, and discernment and ask you to be patient at this time as we will be providing you with more information in the next few weeks. If you have any questions, please contact me at
Pastor Gus
Updated April 5th 7:40 A.M.
To comply with the gathering restriction recommendations and social distancing guidelines, we are replacing all in-person gatherings to virtual meetings until further notice.
Sunday Worship Service: We will continue to worship together on Sundays on our website at promptly at 11:30 A.M. Please prepared your hearts in prayer at least 10 minutes before worship begins. We also encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel, for updates and notifications.
Occasional Worship Services: Join us via Zoom. See instructions below.
Good Friday Service: This Friday (4/10) at 8:00 P.M.
Holy Saturday Service: This Saturday (4/11) at 7:00 A.M.
Weekly Meetings: Join us via Zoom. See instructions below.
Bible Reading & Fellowship: Mondays at 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Room: Thursdays at 8 P.M.
Youth Gathering: Fridays at 6:30 P.M.
Sat. Morning Bible Study: Saturdays at 7 A.M.
Here are the instructions on how to access our meetings on Zoom:
(1) Use the link: and insert the password (3333) or
(2) Download the Zoom app and type in the meeting ID (917 222 3333) and the password (3333) or
(3) If you would like to dial in using a non-smart phone, please contact us at and we will send you the instruction.
I believe that this is the season God is urgently inviting all of us to come to the seat of prayer and demonstrate our love to God and our neighbors. Thus I ask you to please continue to pray for the church and others who are physically, emotionally and financially impacted by COVID-19. Also please pray for medical professionals, hospital staff, and essential workers for their protection, strength, and safety.
May God bless you and give you peace and faith during this challenging season!
Pastor Gus
Updated March 14th 8:04 A.M.
Due to increasing concerns about public gatherings during this time and the closing of Holy Cross High School, we decided to suspend all in-person gatherings, including the upcoming two Sunday services (i.e. tomorrow, March 15th and March 22nd).
Please know that Grace Church is still committed to corporate worship as we take the biblical mandate to meet together to encourage and stir one another to love and to do good works (Heb. 10:24-25) very seriously. Given our current situation, we believe that the best thing we can do is to continue our Sunday gatherings online.
That being said, we are implementing the following changes starting tomorrow:
Sunday Worship Service: Live stream at at 11:30 A.M.
You can tithe and give offerings and access our Sunday program on our website.
Life Group meetings: Online or over the phone following the worship service (your Life Group leader will contact you separately about the meeting time and format).
Thank you again for your understanding and cooperation. We will continue to closely monitor the development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and update our website with any schedule changes. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Gus or email us at Let us continue to pray for those who are affected by the outbreak and place our trust in God in this difficult time. God bless you and peace be with you all (John 20:19).
Updated March 12th 11:18 A.M.
Grace Church is committed to care for our congregation and visitors in all respects, including your physical well-being. In light of recent developments regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), we are taking precautions to keep you safe and we are asking you to cooperate.
So far, to prevent any transmission of the virus at church, we have installed hand sanitizer dispensers at every major entrance and inside the cafeteria. We have also asked the congregants to wash their hands thoroughly with soap, cough or sneeze into their sleeves, and replace handshakes with "elbow bumps."
We have now decided to take further precautions as the number of people infected continue to increase in New York City.
During this time, robust measures are being implemented to keep the church clean. We are sanitizing highly touched surfaces, including door handles, tables, chairs, and children's area and toys. Also, our staff and volunteers have been instructed to stay home if they are sick. Additionally, we are making the following changes to our gatherings:
Sunday services will continue as usual.
Youth group will join the adults' service in the auditorium.
Children’s worship will continue as usual.
At this point, we do not think it is necessary for us to refrain from meeting in person for Sunday worship since the public schools are in session. However, in the event that the spread leads public health officials to close public schools and/or limit or ban public gatherings, Grace Church will live stream the worship service online.
Lunch fellowship, Life Group meetings, and Youth Bible study on Sundays will be suspended until further notice.
All weekly gatherings and activities including the following meetings will be suspended until further notice.
Monday Bible Reading and Fellowship
Thursday Prayer Room
Friday Youth Service
Saturday Morning Service
Saturday Afternoon Intercessory Prayer
The gym will be closed until further notice.
We understand that the uncertainty of this outbreak is creating anxiety in our homes, workplaces, schools, and day-to-day activities. Yet we ask you to remain calm and trust in God's faithfulness and careful attention to all that is happening. We also ask you to join us to pray for those who are affected by this illness and those who are working to minimize the impact of this virus.
Thank you for your understanding. Please check out our website ( for most up-to-date information and changes. If you have any questions, please email us at