2025 Grace Church Missions

Matthew 28:19-20
”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”



WHEN: 2/14/25 (FRI) - 2/22/25 (SAT)
toroto, Bolivia
$1,200 ~ $1,500
deadline: CLOSED

In 2023, Grace Church partnered with Haeun Church to send short-term missionaries to Bolivia. Bolivia is a culturally rich nation with a fast growing economy; however, the growth is felt unevenly and much of the rural parts of Bolivia are impoverished. This is a country where the people are eager to hear the word but also in much need materially. The team will be based in the town of Torotoro to share the word and the love of God to the people. Through Medical care, English classes, Vacation Bible School, and prayer, we pray that God will bless the people of Torotoro, the hosting missionary, and the team!

WHEN: 6/27/25 (FRI) - 6/29/25 (SUN)
Queens, New York

From 2018, Grace Church has been organizing FLOW, a summer camp for children in or nearby the Queens area. The goal is to reach out to the diverse community God has placed us in to share the good news of the Gospel with the children and the families of our community. 

FLOW is also an opportunity for our church to serve together as one body, one heart in Christ, especially as God is giving us an opportunity and calling to expand our vision to other churches, namely our mother church, Haeun Church.

If you are interested in volunteering for FLOW, please sign up using the link below! If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor John Minami at john.n.minami@gmail.com.


WHEN: 7/5/25 (Mon) - 7/11/25 (FRI)
deadline: 4/6/25 (Mon)

Dayton OH is home to thousands of refugee families from all over the world. In 2022, Haeun and Grace Church partnered with No Longer Strangers and Crystal Church of NY to deliver a Summer VBS program for refugee children in the area. Our hope is to build a lasting and strong Christ-centered relationship with the refugee community in Dayton, not as strangers and aliens but as fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. In addition to a VBS program, we will have opportunities to connect with the Youth, visit the homes of community members, and spend time with the NLS team. We pray that the Lord would continue the good work He has started!


WHEN: 7/18/25 (Fri) - 7/26/24 (Sat)
Wales, UK
3/23/25 (SUN)

In 2017, Grace Church partnered with PGM (Professional Global Ministries) to send short-term missionaries to Wales. Wales is a small country located in the United Kingdom. Many of the Churches in Wales today are empty or have few congregants consisting of a majority elderly population. We believe that God is calling Grace Church to minister to the country of Wales. Each summer, we host a Summer Bible Club at various Welsh Churches for the children. During this one week missions trip, our team spreads the love and joy of Christ through Bible stories, Body worship, Arts & crafts, Games, and more. We hope and pray that this missions trip will be the catalyst for revival in the Churches of Wales!

Dominican Republic

WHEN: tbd
Mejia abajo, Dominican republic

Grace Church will be partnering with Haeun Church to send out short-term missionaries to DR. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the culture, people, and the local church ministry taking place in Mejia Abajo. We will have the privilege to serve the local community through a Vacation Bible School including worship, games, and art & crafts. Our prayer is to sow the seeds of the Gospel in the hearts and lives of the people.