Day 9: Practicing Church


Daily Devotional

Colossians 3:17

17 “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

As Christians there can be a tendency to compartmentalize the way we live our lives. We have one compartment we can label our spiritual life that involves going to church, serving in ministries, prayer, reading the Word, etc. But at the same time we have another compartment called regular life, which involves your job, entertainment, spending time with friends and family, physical health, and daily routine. The problem is, when it comes to our spiritual life we are willing and ready to submit it under the lordship of Christ, but when it comes to our regular lives it tends to be more difficult. For Paul, this shouldn’t be the case as Christians because the totality of our lives needs to be submitted under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Which means everything you do, whether in word or deed, needs to be done with the name of the Lord Jesus attached to it. In this way, all of our lives can be lived in a way or manner that pleases and honors the Lord. So the next time you drive, work out, eat, play games, speak to your co-workers or classmates, think, am I living in a way that is in the name of the Lord?

Weekly Application

As followers of Christ, it’s important not just to hear and know the Word of God, but to put it into practice in our daily lives. Start your day by asking the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you each day. As you set your mind on the things that the Holy Spirit wants, He will show you opportunities to put your faith into action. Live out your faith with at least one person each day this week by serving them and loving them as the Holy Spirit leads. You may be led to offer a listening ear to someone who is going through a tough season or to give a portion of your time or resources to someone in need. Have high expectations of what God can do, and ask Him to guide you each step of the way.

Grace Church