Day 30: Peacemaking Church

Daily Devotional

Romans 12:16

16 “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.”

In today’s passage, the Apostle Paul says in order for us to be a peacemaking church, we need to learn how to live in harmony with one another. The only problem is, all of us know this is harder said than done because there are so many things that can divide the church. From the songs we sing during worship, the food served at lunch, the pastors and life group leaders, the people we serve with, and many times the people we are serving. Should I go on? You see, there are plenty of reasons the devil can use to divide the church and Apostle Paul surely knows this as he planted more than 10 churches himself. This is why he instructed the Church in Rome specifically (a church he did not plant), that they too need to make sure they are living in harmony. Then Paul gives the how. He says it can be done through humility. It is when the church body as a community chooses to lay down their individual pride that the church can live in harmony. The reason is due to the nature of pride. Pride is what leads to selfish, self-seeking, and self-promoting tendencies that centers itself on the individual rather than the collective. It places the focus all around one person making it very difficult to love, serve, and even show empathy to those around you. And when everyone is focused on themselves it doesn’t add to the church, it only takes away from the power of a church that is united. Therefore, Paul says do not be proud or conceited, but rather be willing to put yourself in a lower position than those around you. Be willing to humble yourself the same way Jesus did when He came to this earth not in the form of power and might, but as a meekly servant. It was through Christ’s humility and love that touched the hearts and lives of the people He ministered to. Therefore, as disciples of Jesus, who have been called to follow Christ’s example of being a peacemaker. Let us humble ourselves to think of ways we can serve and love those around us first.

Weekly Application

Peacemaking is more than just clearing out conflicts in our relationships. It seeks to build up relationships and have them thrive. Think of the relationships that you want to see deepen and grow. Then, think of ways you can serve them. They can be as small as sending a kind text message, helping out with house chores, or buying a meal. Also, pray for them, lifting them up to God that he may bless them. Let’s build up our relationships and be a peacemaking church.

Grace Church